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Each time we run diagnostics for your pet, it helps other pets get better.  Here's how. . .



The Big Picture:  Trends in Pet Maladies and Cures


We at VetSERV believe that all the veterinarians we service can benefit from insights about trends in the maladies affecting companion animals and the related treatments.


While running our diagnostics, we capture a lot of data for a number of pets over a period of time as well as some really unique cases.  Analysing this data can lead to many useful insights leading to better diagnosis and treatment.  As the data size grows, analyses will become increasingly valuable.  This would help share insights across the veterinarians we service and thus, eventually help other patients.


We have our sights on studying efficacy of certain diagnostic methods which would help us introduce better - more specific - diagnostics as well as to help the veterinary community deal with the dangers that antibiotic resistance poses to treatment of pet illnesses.



Case Studes:  


We are presenting our insights in form of case studies to the vets we work with.  A couple of the earliest ones are listed below.


Case Study 1


Case Study 2

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